Janis Bell

Portrait of Janis Bell

Janis Bell has been teaching writing, in many settings and diverse formats, since 1973. She began her career as a composition and business writing instructor at San Francisco State University, where she had earned her Master's degree in English with an emphasis in teaching writing.

She then taught for the San Francisco Community College District in a variety of venues, including several campuses and 50 government agencies.

In 1980 she marketed herself to private industry and since that year has delivered on-site writing seminars to a wide range of professionals -- computer manufacturers, software developers, public relations firms, pharmaceutical and engineering companies, healthcare insurance providers, banks, investment firms, law offices, newspapers, fire and police departments, mining and shipping firms, nonprofits.

She also led writing workshops and provided individual tutoring for graduate nursing students at University of California Medical Center, San Francisco.

She designed and delivered writing seminars for Executive MBA programs.

She taught professional writing to graduate business students from Paris, France, studying in the United States as part of the French equivalent to an MBA program.

She served as writer and editor for the Department of Health and Human Services (Administration for Children and Families, Region IX).

And, since 1982, she has been teaching business writing at Golden Gate University, a business and law school in San Francisco, CA.

Janis was born in San Francisco on August 1, 1948, and is living there still.